a deep dive into collective flow states

The Stewardship Certification Course is a special opportunity to accelerate your purpose with 6 months of experiential practice and learning. By becoming certified in the We-flow practice, you can offer sessions to clients 1-1 and you can also bring this culture transforming practice into companies and organizations.

Transform your:

  • Inner world

  • Business world

  • Interpersonal world

First and foremost this is an integration course, not just a training. Many of us have had too much training! The main benefit of the course is all the back-up and support you will receive to have you thriving professionally and personally.

Develop mastery in:

  • Conscious leadership in a professional context, as a persistent way of working

  • Action-oriented collective intelligence in teams & meetings

  • Emotional Intelligence and psychological safety

  • Skillfully noticing and navigating contexts to efficiently enact company’s purpose

  • Coaching colleagues 1-on-1 using the We-Flow modality

  • Creating and facilitating an explicit culture

“We-flow is a dynamic set of practices that can transform any challenge into practical forward movement on what is most important for the collective mission.”
— Stéphane Segatori, We-Flow Co-Originator & Course-Leader

We-Flow Online Session

What is the Structure of the Course?

The course will last for 6 months with an additional 2-month follow-up phase. It is 100% experiential, directly applied to your live business needs:

  • 3 Class Room integration sessions - 4 days each (This isn’t just a workshop, you are invited to get supported, and make progress on your most important projects)

  • 24/7 Back-up and support access for 8 months from other students and trainers

  • Full access to all We-Flow Documentation including 32+ practices and materials for working with Business Clients

  • Weekly integral calls (2hrs) where you make progress on your most important projects. And many other perks!

Location: Seminar center in Amersfoort, Netherlands (And Online!)

Check our
Eventlist for the next start date!

“We-Flow is my map to have a massive amount of fun while getting a huge amount of things done.”
— Jason Digges, Authentic Relating International Co-Founder


Welcome to our testimonial section, where participants of the We-Flow Certification Course share their insights. Sit back and hear firsthand experiences about their transformative journeys, the impact of the course on their lives, and the valuable skills they gained along the way. 

These testimonials offer a glimpse into the personal narratives of individuals who have navigated the We-Flow Certification Course, sharing authentic stories that go beyond the surface. Discover how this course has empowered them to bring their purpose to life, integrate newfound wisdom into their daily existence and bringing their gifts with the world.

Diego Garcia Schober

Meet Diego, a vibrant young talent who completed our six-month Stewardship Course. Discover how We-Flow's Stewardship program empowered Diego both personally and professionally, offering a unique perspective on purpose-driven leadership and mindful business practices. Get ready to be inspired by Diego's story, showcasing the impactful transformation that unfolds in our We-Flow courses.

  • Introduction (00:00)

  • Initial Motivation (02:58)

  • Expectations vs. Reality (04:40)

  • Transformational Shift (06:00)

  • Playfulness (09:07)

  • Professional Impact and Conscious Leadership (10:00)

  • Impact on Organizations and Real Business Applications (00:00)

  • Support & We-Flow Back-up (02:25)

  • Recommendation (04:35)

  • Closing Thoughts and Appreciations

Join the We-Flow community and embark on a path of mindful transformation


The conscious leader gains a key capacity to perceive the default culture and all the unspoken rules. The unexploited potential within the company can then be worked with directly.

New collective possibilities are made explicit and a wave of incremental change takes birth in the organization.


We are a collective of individuals embracing the rising demand in our communities for environments that nurture not only people's well-being but also their transformative potential. As we come together in We-Flow, we systematically experience the emergence of such spaces, we learn to create them and steward them, in both personal and professional contexts.

holistic and Whole - being

The Stewardship Course is an enablement training that is designed to help optimize all aspects of life; from optimal states for performance and emotional regulation to life-purpose and relationships up until leadership & business facilitation.

Course Leader



If you have not yet participated in any We-Flow offering, we recommend you to join a free 90min taster. You can find the next scheduled one here.
If you have already participated in a taster or weekend offering, we encourage you to schedule a free Stewardship Course Interest Call with this link

For any questions, reach out to connect@we-flow.net.